Sitting with my grandma, eating raspberry jam on toast, sipping cups of black tea, we began to talk about what life was like for her, growing up. We often do, but this time she said something that really stuck with me. As a young girl in high-school my Nan had desperately wanted to move from her small town to a larger city in Queensland, to further her studies. Her father told her there was no point because she was a girl. This meant education wasn’t deemed important or even necessary for her because she would follow the expected path; marry and start a family. Like me, my Nan loves to see new places and has a passion for travel and words, but unlike me, she didn’t have the support and opportunities to live a life like I’m able to now.
Thinking about this makes me even more grateful for everything I have right now. Because so many amazing, strong, intelligent and fierce women have gone before us and fought for us, so we and the women who come after us are all able to live our lives the way we want to. For many of us, this means allowing our hearts to be filled with wanderlust and following our feet wherever they may lead us. Because of them, we can be the travel girls our souls tell us we are and because we’re so amazing, here are all the reasons to fall in love with a travel girl and never let her go.

We’ll inspire you
If there’s anybody who can inspire a sense of freedom and wonder in you, it’s a travel girl. We dream big, have huge adventures and a knack for making just about anything come true in life. Watching a travel girl in her element will instil a sense of motivation in you, driving you to follow your dreams and stop procrastinating.

We’re incredibly strong
I’ve seen dainty girls carrying around huge backpacks that quite often weigh as much as they do. Travel girls don’t ask anybody else for help, they just strap on their backpack and get back out on the road without complaint. Not only are we physically tough, we’re mentally strong too. Enduring the heartache of being away from loved ones and sometimes being totally alone for long periods of time, knowing the memories we make are well worth it.

We’re wild
Travel girls are well and truly wild. There’s no taming a travel girl or telling her what to do because once she’s got that fire in her heart, she’s unstoppable and nobody can take away that spark. Don’t even try to make her ‘settle down’ or boss her around because a travel girl does whatever she wants, whenever she wants.

We’re very helpful
Nobody will take better care of you than a travel girl. Drunk at 2am and lost all your friends? All alone at the hostel and craving a friend to share an adventure with? Lost your one and only hair tie and in desperate need of help? Need someone to braid your hair or loan you a phone charger? A travel girl will help you!

We’ll make you laugh
Because we’re real cute and funny, but also intelligent, strong, opinionated and fearless too. Basically, the whole package. Oh, did I mention we’re great dancers? Especially after a few drinks…

We make excellent friends
Travel girls spend a lot of their time out in the world meeting new people and having a range of unique and beautiful experiences in strange and awesome parts of the world. Because of this, we’re used to being observant, quiet and patient. We make excellent listeners if you want to share your problems. We make fantastic party buddies if you want to celebrate a success, and we make an amazing support system for those we love. Even though we may travel often, you’ll always feel like you just saw us, even if it was years ago.

And even better partners…
With big hearts, travel girls make amazing partners. We’re passionate, open to sharing hopes and dreams with you, we’re incredibly supportive and open-minded. We’re adventurous, wild, curious and humble. We live in the moment, love to try new things, hate settling for ordinary and will always push you to follow your dreams and do what makes you happy in life. We know that life is better when shared with someone amazing, which means we’ll want to share our adventures with you.

We have a great sense of self
Travel brings great perspective to life. It’s humbling, inspiring and somehow provides clarity and an honest insight into who you are, what you want from life and what really, truly matters (hint: it isn’t money). A travel girl will always have an air of confidence, joy and contentment to her. In conflict situations, a travel girl will always be cool, calm and collected. After all, we’ve seen much wilder things on our adventures around the world.

We choose our own path in life
Some travel girls will choose to be mothers and others will choose not to be. Some will go out into the world and have wild escapades for years, then decide they’re ready to bring their own little wildlings into the world with someone they love. Others will go out into the world and never come back, never resting in one place for too long. Whatever we decide, we choose our own path and it is always the path that’s best for us. We know what we want and we live it with our hearts full of love and wanderlust.

We’re beautiful
There are few things more beautiful than a travel girl. Each and every time I see a girl out in the world on her own or travelling with friends or her partner, she looks brave, fearless and totally free. Whether we’re eating gelato on the streets of Rome, swimming in the bright blue Aegean Sea off Mykonos, finding hidden restaurants in New York or making new friends in cosy London pubs, travel girls are always beautiful. It’s the aura of wonder and happiness that does it and, honestly, it’s hypnotic.

But we’ll kick your ass if we need to…
Don’t let the beauty of a travel girl fool you. If it needs to be done, we won’t hesitate to kick your ass.

We’re extremely resourceful
MacGyver hasn’t got anything on a fully-fledged travel girl. We can find a way to fix just about anything with whatever’s lying around a hostel or hotel. We’re able to think on the fly, improvise well and get shit done!

We party hard!
Nobody, and I mean nobody, knows how to tackle a bottle of wine like a travel girl. Rosé, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio or good ol’ Sparkling, we can tackle it all. Think we’ll go to Octoberfest and make a fool of ourselves? Ah, no, we’ll be there with our hair in braids, drinking beers like a champion.

We will love you endlessly
If you manage to find yourself in the life of a travel girl, hold onto her tight. We’ll love you with all our hearts, bring fun, adventure and a sense of complete freedom and joy into your life. We’ll support you, laugh and cry with you, build you up when you’re down and do whatever it takes to make you smile. If you fall in love with a travel girl, thank your lucky stars and never let her go.
Best travel resources for your trip!
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