I spent the last few days of 2015 and the first few days of 2016 up at beautiful Agnes Water along the Queensland coastline. If you haven’t heard of Agnes Water before, you can scope it out a bit better in my guide of things to do there.  The trip came at just the right time for me as I’d started to feel really burnt out the last few months of the year.
I’d taken so many trips and had, thankfully, been working on each of them. But what happens when you travel as your job is that travel takes on a different meaning. It isn’t about sleeping in, resting and recovering, it’s about capturing content, exploring a lot and meeting your work obligations. The trip up to Agnes was a real holiday for me, time to old-school travel! Get back to staying up until midnight, sleeping until 9am and doing whatever, whenever! So good.
While I was there I took some time to do a bit of planning for Little Grey Box and also my personal life. If I don’t do that kind of thing I end up a hot mess within a few weeks of the year, probably sobbing into my pillow, wailing something non-sensical, like, “What the hell am I doing with my liiiiiiiiife?”.
I promised I’d share this with you guys and I really want to because it’s something that helps me and may help some of you too. If you’re an over-thinker (me) and a bit of a psycho (also me) this kind of thing can really help you get focused and find some clarity. It brings a lot of peace to my life and helps me trust that, despite how crazy I feel sometimes, I really do know what I’m doing with my life.
A good starting point is to tell you how I create my personal plan. I use a set of Oracle Cards I bought from The Little Sage, my own intuition and meditation to guide me. I focus on three points: Past, Present and Future, then look for an overall theme for this year. I do this by pulling three cards from my Oracle Card deck then using my intuition and meditation to guide the information I take from them. Yeah, that’s right, I’m a full-blown hippy.
So, here’s what I learned and the information I received from my personal planning session.
The focus for me last year was about learning how to stop and enjoy the moment. It was all about learning to slow down and see what is right in front of me, rather than constantly looking forward to the next thing. I learned to accept where I am at any given moment and choose to be happy in it. This taught me a lot of trust in the timing of my life and seeing the bigger picture.
During my break at Agnes, the focus for me was all about creativity. I was called to pursue activities I’ve been wanting to pursue; taking time out to sit and meditate without interruption or worry of time/work, play around on Matt’s surfboard, take time to draw and paint, write for the sake of writing and journal. It was important for me to allow myself the time to be creative, seeing it as time well-spent, rather than time wasted. After all, when you feel happy, you attract more happiness into your life!
Over the coming months, I’m being urged to explore more! Sounds fun, right?! I’ve been urged to re-ignite my passion for life and find my inner voice by allowing my inner-child to run free. Be silly, laugh lots and just have fun. To find the growth and happiness I want this year, I pretty much just need to let go and get back to having fun. I’ve got LGB to a place I love and it’ll keep growing organically from this point on as long as I keep doing what I’m doing, so the key for me now is just to have fun and enjoy every moment with a child-like wonder.
My overall theme for 2016 is: Live Your Truth! Meaning, take time to reconnect with your heart and enjoy what it urges you to do. Discover the beauty, explore whatever it is you want to and be sure to indulge in all that makes you happy.
Bonus insight!
Because I am greedy and impatient, I couldn’t help but pull one extra card from my deck. I was urged to pay attention to my heart chakra and remove fears and worries about love and relationships, with myself and others. It was a push to forgive and accept. Very timely for me! You can read more about the heart chakra here.Â
I completely understand this type of thing may not be everyone and, hey, that’s cool, you guys! I get it! For me, I love it because I have total trust in the information I receive, so I know it’s exactly what I need at that moment. It gives me a lot of clarity on what has happened, where I’m at now and things I need to place attention and importance on in the future. It really does guide me.
If the whole Oracle Card/Meditation/Intuition thing seems a bit too full on for you, there’s no reason you can’t take the idea and change it to suit your own needs and beliefs. Just take some time to reflect on what you learned last year, the things that are bugging you at the moment/what you want to improve and the things you want to achieve in the coming months or year.
When it comes to Little Grey Box I do the same thing, but with extra bits too. I start by writing all the things I’m proud of and the things I did well in the year previous. That’s time to stop, celebrate and smile at all the hard work that went into it. Very important. Then, I start scribbling down all my ideas for the next year, no matter how wild, weird, crazy or dumb they may seem. I write them ALL down. Next, I do the same thing I did for my personal planning, focusing on past, present and future.
So, here’s what I learned and the information I received from my LGBÂ planning session.
The focus for me last year was about learning to follow my higher guidance and trusting my vision for my business. It can be easy to have others share their input with you and, while it is valuable, it’s important to trust yourself first and foremost. I learned how to do this and found great comfort and a sense of self-pride by doing so.
My current lesson, especially while I was in Agnes, was to rest and relax. I had worked myself to a point of feeling very drained and the Agnes trip was all about listening to my body and mind, allowing them to rest and recharge. I often struggle to rest as I’m a perfectionist and feel that rest time is time I should be spending working! Nah-uh, rest is downtime and it’s essential to prepare you for all the wonderful things to come.
Over the coming months, I’m being urged to prepare for change. EXCITING! There’s a whole lot of change and growth headed in my direction and my lesson will be flowing with this change not resisting it. I’m being called to clear and release anything that no longer serves me, to make way for all the new I’ve been asking for. When the change does come, I’m being reminded to trust it will lead me where I need to go.
LGB’s overall theme for 2016 is: Have fun! Meaning, enjoy the ride and find joy in every aspect of your work. The more fun I have, the better it is for LGB.
I’ve had a few people ask me what I’ve got planned for this year. I have a few things on the calendar, but to be honest I don’t have any big travel plans until September. I’ve been keeping my schedule open and I feel that’s for good reason. If my spidey-senses are right, there’s some big growth and change headed my way and a clear schedule will allow me to take full advantage of every opportunity that pops up. I can’t wait to share it all with you.
So, there you have it. Some insight into how I plan my business and my life and a look at how I spent my much-needed trip to Agnes Water.