Just when you were starting to lose faith in the internet, your favourite blog post is back! Matt and I recently spent eight days in Thailand, visiting Koh Samui for the first time and, for Matt, experiencing his first visit to Phuket. It was also our birthdays so the trip was extra special for both of us. We spent our time eating all the Pad Thai, drinking cocktails and delicious fresh fruit shakes, lazing in the sun and swimming. Along the way, we got to meet a few really beautiful dogs and cats too! So, here it is, the only blog post that really matters – Beautiful dogs I met in Phuket and Koh Samui (+ a few cute cats too!) 

P.S I’m changing my job title from Travel Blogger to Travel Dogger.

dogs and cats I met in Phuket and Koh Samui - 1 (1)

We met Cheetah at one of the resorts we visited in Koh Samui and, from what I understand, her family live close to the resort. Cheetah loves to explore the beach, laze under sunbeds and say hello to guests who look like they need a cuddle. Matt and I had just finished lunch and decided to walk along the water to go take some photos on the rocks. When we came back down, Cheetah was there waiting for us. She was one of those incredibly gentle dogs that will sit patiently and wait for you to say hello. Her eyes were a deep, golden brown, filled with kindness and love. You can just tell she’s the kind of dog who would never hurt a soul – she was a very special little dog. I wish there were resorts that had resident rescue dogs! As we all know, animals can be the best form of therapy sometimes – they love unconditionally, will stay by your side and never judge. Having them as companions at resorts would be a great way to give so many overlooked animals a chance to love and be loved.

I love this photo of Matt and Cheetah! If you ever want to truly know someone – watch how they interact with an animal. If I meet someone and see them show the slightest cruelty, disrespect or disregard toward an animal, I’m immediately wary of them. I will never understand how anyone could hurt something so pure.

We met these two cuties on a quiet beach in Koh Samui. The tan and white girl came out of nowhere with a big smile on her face and was so happy to say hello to Matt and me while were lazing on a sunbed. We thought she was just the sweetest little love and then she spotted her boyfriend (the black and white dog in the background) and immediately got cranky with him and started growling haha! We thought they were going to have a fight but she went over to him, set him straight with a few growls then they started playing on the beach.

Each time we would wander down to the beach she would come out to say hello. If we were sitting on the beach, she’d sit with us and relax in the warm afternoon sun. If we were going for a walk along the water’s edge, she’d follow along and keep us company. Her eyes were a beautiful, deep dark brownish-black and they were so shiny and kind. She absolutely loved to give kisses and would wag her little excitedly when you’d give her a kiss back. I loved how confident yet gentle she was.

This handsome boy and his brother were lurking around a restaurant in Phuket, working tourists for scraps. And, yes, we fell for it! They spotted us coming a mile off and, like a couple of smooth grifters, got ready to work us. With their big, pleading eyes and perfectly timed meows, we were powerless to resist and ended up giving them all the good parts of our meals. We’re a couple of suckers!

I heard this little sweetheart meow and it took me a minute to find her but, there she was, in the relaxed ‘loaf’ position having a nap. I didn’t want to get too close and disrupt her me-time, but she let me sit near her for a few minutes while I filmed her. You would think every animal I see is some kind of rare, undiscovered creature the way I ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ over it while filming it. This little love was so chilled out, just relaxing on the verandah of someone’s room at a Koh Samui resort by the beach. She’s smart, too, she’d picked a heck of a spot for a nap!

Here’s a photo of my two loves, Figgy (the brown girl with her head down) and Weetie (looking up at the camera) the day we got home from Thailand. The four of us are really close, I guess they’re quite spoilt because Matt and I work from home so they get used to having us around a lot. So, when we do go away, they really miss us. Our housesitter is amazing, though, and takes really good care of them when we leave. A lot of the time my mum looks after them when we go away too and they get spoilt absolutely rotten by their grandmother. She can’t help but buy them new beds, special treats and little toys.

When we get home from a trip, like this one, it feels so nice to open the front door and see them both there waiting for us, singing out with happy, chirpy little meows. They follow me around until I finally give in and get into bed, so they can curl up on my chest and give me some welcome-home hugs and kisses. They’re both so loving and expressive, you can really tell they miss you – it’s so incredibly sweet and I really look forward to getting home for this moment.

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