I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again – these are the only blog posts that matter on this entire freakin site! Burn the blog to the ground, but spare the dog posts! While exploring Sweden recently (for the very first time) I got the chance to meet some gorgeous dogs, and when I say ‘meet’ I mean accost. My life motto goes something like: see dog, must touch. Words to live by. Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, here are some of the cute, scruffy, scrappy, soft, big, small and wonderful dogs I met in Stockholm and the Stockholm Archipelago. #Woof. If you love these posts, let me know in the comments below! (They’re my favourite).


I walked out of the restaurant where we had just eaten lunch in Sandhamn and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw beautiful Dixie, a huge, black and white Great Dane with spots on his nose. His mum was tying him up in a nice shady spot and trying very hard to spread out a soft blanket for him to lay down on, but Dixie had other ideas. We pretty much swarmed him and he was more than happy to slobber all over us, give out cuddles and show us just how sweet and snuggly he is. His mum told us he’s only 1 year old (holy heck!) and his favourite thing is chicken hearts cooked in butter. I told her he was beautiful and she said, “He’s my best friend,” it melted my heart!

Flannel and Buddy

These two gorgeous hounds were out for a walk with their mum in Sandhamn, part of the Stockholm Archipelago. Flannel, the velvety light-brown pooch (who I think is a Weimaraner) was very gentle and sweet, while cheeky Buddy, the Dalmatian, was super inquisitive and eager to meet everybody and anybody! Their mum was a petite lady who wasn’t so much taking them for a walk as they were taking her for a walk – her upper body strength was getting a real workout.


Little Maurice was out in Stockholm, helping his mum with the shopping. I almost didn’t see him at first, he was so gentle and quiet, but when I did see him I lit up because he was just so freaking cute. His mum asked him to sit and he did so very politely, turning to look at me and pricking his ears up slightly at the sound of the camera shutter. He was so soft and sweet, gentle nosing my hand when I pet him.


Gorgeous dogs exploring Stockholm, Sweden and Stockholm Archipelago

I had to ask Gino’s mum how to pronounce his name twice because I thought it was ‘Dino’! Turns out, you say it like the ‘cino’ in cappuccino, but with a G – if that makes sense. We were walking along the main old street of Sigtuna and I saw Gino sitting patiently in the door of the florist. His mum was inside and he was very happily waiting for her. He was so soft and gentle, giving my hand a good sniff followed by a friendly lick. I couldn’t believe it when his mum said he’s only 1 year old! He had such a soft soul and was so well behaved for a pooch that should still be in puppy phase, he knew he wasn’t allowed to leave the store and was quite happy with that.


I met Gordo right after I met Buddy & Flannel. After I had finished taking photos of them I heard Gordo’s dad call out and ask me to come meet him. He was having a really lovely day out with his mum and dad and looked really happy to be out in the sunshine exploring. His dad was so proud of him and it was easy to see why – he had a gentle and sweet nature, so excited to see me and meet everyone too. His coat was so lovely and soft, like velvet, and his eyes were a really striking green and brown mix.


Gorgeous little Astrid was sitting patiently next to her mum, waiting for the ferry to arrive. When I came over, she stood up cautiously and checked me out, moving around me as I crouched down next to her. Astrid was so gentle and a little timid at first, taking the time to sniff my hand and give me a lick, for good measure! Her mum said her favourite thing in the whole world is FOOD.

Uppsala Hounds

These two little stinkers were sitting with their mum while she had drinks with a friend in Uppsala. I spotted them from a good few metres off and as I got closer, checked it was okay to take their photo. Their mum said yes so I crouched down and started snapping. About two seconds after these photos were taken, Matt came in way too excited and went straight for the pat, startling the big yellow golden who proceeded to bark very loudly, scaring all of us off before I got a chance to ask their mum for their names. They were still gorgeous though!

Do you love dogs? If you read this post and smiled because you love dogs so much, why not help dogs in need? You can donate to Animals Australia who are fighting against animal cruelty, the Bali dog meat trade, puppy farms, Greyhound exports and so much more.

If you’re the owner of any of these beautiful pooches and patiently let me photograph them, please let me know so I can email you the photos as a thank you.

Best travel resources for your trip!

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Hotels, I use Agoda
and Booking.com
Rentals: Discover Cars
RVs: Motorhome Republic
Transfers: Welcome Pickups
Rideshare: DiDi
Insurance: Cover-More
Tours: TourRadar
SIM Cards: Simify
VPN: Surfshark

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